Tech Works, a leader in specialized communications solutions for the most challenging environments, presents the CI-Series Collaborative Intercom, a...
Engineered & Built in the USA
Tech Works CC-Series Helps Streamline Communications at Fremont Dermatology Center
Like most modern medical facilities, the Center for Dermatology is a bustling, fast-paced office with staff and doctors catering to dozens of...
Tech Works CC-Series Provides State-of-the-Art Communications for Healthcare Facilities
Announcing the Launch of Tech Works' CC-Series Clinic Room Status Tech Works, a leader in specialized, highly focused communications solutions for...
Solving the Communications Challenges of Today’s Clinics
A generation ago, a visit to your family doctor was a much different experience. Your doctor likely had a private office and a small staff, and...
Tech Works NC-Series Receives UL Standard 1069 Compliance
Tech Works, a leader in specialized, highly focused communications solutions for the most challenging environments, has received the coveted UL...
NC-Series Webinar – Now on YouTube
Tech Works would like to thank all of our dealers and partners for a very successful series of NC-Series Nurse Call system webinars, they were well...
St. Joseph’s Hospital New Procedure Area Installs Tech Works Call System
Offering more than 75 specialty programs, St. Joseph’s Hospital is a magnet hospital for nursing excellence. In keeping with the hospital’s emphasis...
Rio Bravo Ambulatory Surgery Center Chooses Tech Works NC-Series Nurse Call
Bakersfield, California—February 2016… Soon to become the premier medical complex in Bakersfield, California, the new $27.6 million,...