Tech Works Clinic Call System Integrated into Spokane’s Ultra-Modern Providence Medical Park

Opened in April 2014, Providence Health Care’s new Providence Medical Park is one of the area’s newest and most comprehensive facilities. The ultra-modern campus offers a full range of patient services, from primary care and specialists to lab work, MRI, radiology, and even Urgent Care, all in a spacious, conveniently located campus.

Not surprisingly, the new Providence Medical Park has quickly become one of the area’s busiest. On any given day literally hundreds of patients will pass through its dozens of examination rooms to consult with doctors and staff. Tracking patients and routing medical personnel to the appropriate rooms is a massive and ongoing task, and the facility is equipped with the latest in high-tech communications technologies, including a custom-designed Clinic Call system from Yorba Linda, CA-based Tech Works.

“One of the major assets of the Tech Works Clinic Call system is that it’s based on visual notifications,” explains Dan Murphy, Sales Engineer with Spokane-based Evco Sound and Electronics, the systems integrators on the project. “Most of the communications systems available for this kind of environment rely on verbal notifications, and that leaves room for error — someone might not hear an announcement, or might not hear it clearly. With the Clinic Call system, the notification light stays on until it’s deactivated.”

The system itself is simple yet highly efficient. When a patient is assigned to an examination room, the intake staff member presses a button on a station, which illuminates a color-coded LED and sounds a tone in one of the doctors’ offices to notify that particular physician that they are needed. When the doctor enters the examination room, they press another button to deactivate the LED, letting staff know they’ve arrived and the patient is being seen.

The Clinic Call system’s flexibility was another important consideration, says Murphy. “Every facility is unique, with its own particular needs. With the Tech Works system, it was possible to create a configuration that works for their specific needs.”

The new Providence Medical Park has been scoring high marks for patient satisfaction since opening its doors, and great communication between doctors and staff is a big part of it. “From the time a patient arrives until they leave, everyone involved in that patient’s care is informed and updated as to their status,” says Murphy. “The Clinic Call system really helps the staff provide the excellent care at the Providence group.”

Press Release: Clinic Call System Integrated into Spokane’s Ultra-Modern Providence Medical Park (PDF)